ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit
(Scarred Lands) (2003)
Sword & Sorcery Studios
(Original: Dissolution)
Wizards of the Coast 2002
Broschiert - 520 Seiten - Feder & Schwert
Erscheinungsdatum: Juni 2004
ISBN: 3935282842
Erhältich bei: amazon
Tribe Novels: Children of Gaia & Uktena
(Werewolf: The Apocalypse) (2002)
White Wolf
The Shattered Mask
(Forgotten Realms) (2001)
Wizards of the Coast
The Halls of Stormweather
(Forgotten Realms) (2000)
Wizards of the Coast
Dark Kingdoms
(Wraith: The Oblivion) (1998)
White Wolf
The Ebon Mask
(Wraith: The Oblivion) (1996)
White Wolf
Caravan of Shadows
(Wraith: The Oblivion) (1995)
White Wolf
(Vampire: The Masquerade) (1995)
On a Darkling Plain
(Vampire: The Masquerade) (1995)
White Wolf
The Eyes That Judge, The Hands That Heal
(Fading Suns) in Sinful Stars: Tales of the Fading Suns
Garden of Souls
(Forgotten Realms) in Dragon #283
The Judas Tree
(Mage: The Ascension) in Truth Until Paradox
King Shadow
(Forgotten Realms) in Realms of Shadow
Lost Cause
(Forgotten Realms) in Realms of the Deep
New in Town
(Forgotten Realms) in Dragon #320
Night Games
(World of Darkness) in Dark Destiny
The Prisoner of Hulburg
(Forgotten Realms) in Realms of the Dragons
(Wraith: The Oblivion) in Death & Damnation
Shamur's Wager
(Forgotten Realms) in Dragon #273
The Silent Man
(Arcana Unearthed) in Children of the Rune
Unusual Suspects
(Hunter: The Reckoning) in Inherit the Earth
The Winged Child
(Dark Ages) in Dark Tyrants
The Wizard and the Dragon
(World of Darkness) in Dark Destiny III: Children of Dracula
Wolf Trap
(Werewolf: The Apocalypse) in When Will You Rage?
Wolf Trap
(Werewolf: The Apocalypse) in Strange City
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